Oct 29, 2009

Cosmetic Dentist in Tijuana,

Cosmetic Dentist in Tijuana,: "Cosmetic dental treatments can:

* Change the size, shape, and alignment of certain teeth.
* Fill in unattractive spaces between teeth.
* Improve or correct bites.
* Lighten or brighten the color of teeth.
* Repair decayed, broken, cracked, or chipped teeth.
* Replace missing teeth.
* Replace old, unattractive dental treatments.

Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures like, Cosmetic Contouring, Cosmetic Fillings, Porcelain Veneersand Whitening Teeth will cover unsightly, sensitive or exposed roots and to keep future gum from receding. If you just don't like the appearance of your teeth for any reason,we can greatly improve your smile by any combination of cosmetic dentistry or periodontal procedures. Or If you are missing teeth, dental implants can restore your smile

Modern dentistry is much more than fillings, root canals and crowns. Cosmetic dentistry is a fast growing field in dentistry that helps patients transform their smiles from being afraid to Smile to Wow!
Here are 2 more things a good cosmetic dentist can do for you.

3. Porcelain Veneers: Cost $450
Veneers are whisper-thin porcelain wafers that have been specially molded and created by our technician to fit your teeth. A small amount of enamel is buffed away to make room for the veneers, so they're a permanent solution for making your smile absolutely stunning. Veneers have many uses and are utilised to bridge gaps, replace broken or chipped teeth, cover discolored teeth, and much more. Unlike bonding material, porcelain veneers will never be susceptible to normal wear and tear or stains.

4. Whitening: Zoom 2 Whitening (including touch up kit and trays) = $200
Although over the counter whitening products have been available for years, none of them really compare in effectiveness to those used by cosmetic dentists. A dentist can choose between several methods available to help you get the pearliest whites possible and will be happy to review your options with you."

Cosmetic Dentist in Tijuana

Oct 20, 2009

Here's How You Can Save Big On Discount Dental Dentures

If you are in need of new dentures, but don't want to have to pay full price, there's an option available that you may not be aware of that can realistically save you as much as 60% off, depending on where you live. This plan is called a discount dental plan and you can save a ton of money on discount dental dentures by joining one of these plans. Let me explain how they work.
Discount dental plans have nothing to do with insurance at all. Dental insurance does not pay for any problem that was there at the time that you bought the policy, so if you need dentures right now and don't already have a dental insurance plan, you're on your own. Actually, most insurance won't pay for dentures anyway because they consider them to be cosmetic. Never mind the fact that you have to eat.
These discount dental plans that specialize in discount dental dentures are very affordable for individual and family plans. Most individual plans are under $100 per year and most family plans are less than $150. This is based on where you live and the actual plan that you choose. Some are a bit more, while others are a bit less.
Here's an example of getting a great deal on discount dental dentures in the Baltimore, Maryland area, zip code 21215. According to a survey that was conducted in 2005, the average cost of an upper denture is $1252. With the plan that is being used in this example your cost will only be $588. That will save you $664 on that one visit alone.
The cost of joining this plan is only $149.95 for a family or $99.95 for an individual dental plan. Deduct the cost from what you've just saved on your new upper denture and your net savings is $564.05 if you're single or $514.05 if you have a family and this is just the beginning. You'll still have an entire year to use the discount plan and save.
So if you or someone in your family is in need of discount dental dentures, you should take a good look at a discount dental plan as your primary option.
Wait A Minute! Find Out How You Can Save An Extra 10% On Your New Dental Plan Right Now by Visiting http://Discount-Dental.net or by clicking on Discount Dental Dentures. Joe Stewart is a former Life And Health Insurance Agent that now works for himself by providing solid, expert information to consumers.

Oct 15, 2009

Cosmetic Dentist in Tijuana Veneers, Fillings & Zoom Whitening,

Cosmetic Dentist in Tijuana,: "Here are 2 things a good cosmetic dentist can do for you.

1. Cosmetic Veneers Price $450 at our Tijuana Dental Office
Cosmetic Veneers are very thin pieces of durable, tooth shaped porcelain that are custom made (for shape and color) by a professional dental laboratory. They are bonded onto the front of teeth to create a beautiful and attractive smile.

2. Cosmetic Fillings: Price $60 + $20 per additional surface
A (tooth colored) filling is used to repair a tooth that's affected by decay, cracks, fractures, etc.The decayed or affected part of the tooth can be removed then filled with a composite filling.. Our cosmetic dentist can use a variety of different materials to replace those obsolete fillings with new, tooth-colored ones. Metal mouth No More!

Read more http://tijuanacosmeticdental.com/our_services/Cosmetic_Dentistry.html

Oct 9, 2009

Tooth Implants in TJ

What to Expect During an Implant Treatment

The time frame for completing the dental implant treatment varies and depends on many factors but you can expect the process to take several months.

First, we conduct a comprehensive exam and review your medical and dental history, take X-rays, and create impressions of your teeth and gums so that models can be made. In some cases, we may even order a CT (computerized tomography) scan of your mouth and jaw area which will help us develop our treatment plan.

During your initial treatment, we surgically insert the dental implant into your jaw, which will act as the “root” of your new tooth, then give it several months to attach itself to your jaw bone. There may be some swelling or tenderness for a few days, so a diet of soft foods, cold foods and warm soup often is recommended during the first few days of the healing process.

The next step is when we attach an extension, called a"post," to the implant and again, the gum tissue is given some time to heal around the new post. Once the area is completely healed, the implant and post will serve as the foundation for your new tooth.

As a last step, we’ll attach a custom-made porcelain tooth called a "crown" which will be a size, shape, and color that will fill the space left in your mouth by the missing tooth and blend with your surrounding teeth.

Oct 2, 2009

Single-Tooth Implants in TJ

Single-Tooth Implants in TJ

When a patient  needs a tooth replaced, we often recommend dental implants.  Made of an extremely  strong and durable metal called titanium, the single-tooth dental implant will stabilize your bite, help prevent possible  speaking or chewing difficulties and maintain your beautiful smile.

A  missing tooth can change the alignment of your bite, which may cause jaw joint  discomfort.  In addition, your  surrounding teeth can shift which may create spaces where harmful plaque and  tartar collect.  Over time, this may lead  to tooth decay and gum disease.

  Single-Tooth  Dental Implants May Be the Answer

  Single-tooth  dental implants are crafted to look and feel like your natural tooth.  It can be used in either the upper or lower jaw, where it functions either  as a single tooth or as an anchor for other replacement teeth. Because the single  tooth implant can stand alone, no adjacent teeth are affected during any  part of treatment.

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Single-Tooth Implants in TJ